Fortnite Stream Viewership

Live Viewers | 10m
Viewers right now
Live Streamers| 10m
Live Streamers
Most Viewed Rank | 10m
Twitch Ranking
Fortnite Viewership | Twitch
Hours Watched
Streamed Hours
Average Viewers
Peak Viewers
Average Streamers
Total Streamers
Viewership Report | Accumulated
Watched Hours
Live Viewers
Hours Streamed

This data shows the total accumulated channel streamers of Fortnite categorized by Total Streamers and Average Streamers in the past 365 days.

Top Fortnite Streamers | 30D
Rank Channel Followers Watch Hours Stream Hours Peak Viewers Language

This table shows the total accumulated channel streamers of Fortnite categorized by Total Streamers and Average Streamers in the past 365 days.

Language Dinomination | 30D

This data shows the most common language Streamers used to Stream Fortnite in the past 30 days.

Developer Epic Games
Publisher Epic Games
Release Date July 25, 2017
Platforms Windows, macOS, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, Nintendo Switch, iOS, Android
Genre Battle Royale, Survival, Sandbox
Model Free to Play

Fortnite is a popular online battle royale game where players gather resources, build structures, and fight to be the last one standing.

Known for its vibrant graphics and frequent updates, it offers various modes, including creative and cooperative play. is a platform that offers an extensive breakdown of player distribution across various game modes from Fortnite mainly Battle Royale, Ranked Battle Royale, Zero Build, Ranked Zero Build, and Save the World.

Stay informed with our dynamic charts that showcase global player counts over the past 24 hours, categorized player counts by popular maps, and hourly player trends spanning the past week. Explore the geographical interest distribution with our regional charts, providing a 12-month overview of player engagement worldwide.

You can also find out how Fortnite is performing in terms of revenue using our revenue statistics data, find it growth using the registered users data, gender demographics and more!

ActivePlayer is designed to keep you updated with the latest data, featuring interactive elements for refreshing statistics and customizable views. Whether you're a casual player, a competitive gamer, or a data enthusiast, our detailed reports and visualizations offer valuable insights into the Fortnite community.

Total Registered Players | Overall

This data shows Fortnite total accumulated registered players since release date.

Gender Demographics

This data shows Fortnite gender demographic data.

Fortnite Related | Read
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