Destiny 2, the popular online multiplayer F.P.S. adventure game, has released a new patch with over 86,919 concurrent players and over Column key for provided table ID not found! monthly active players. Destiny 2 has recently released its latest update This update brings many improvements and bug fixes, significantly enhancing the gaming experience. Here’s a deep dive into the key changes and how they impact the gameplay.
One of the most notable changes in this update is the adjustment to weapon swapping, a bug fixed in the Crucible Supremacy mode, a bug fixed in the Salvage Activity loss of connection, Armor modification, and more.
Here’s the list of major changes in this patch note:
Weapon Swapping
In the previous patch, players had to endure a two-second delay before firing their weapon after swapping it from the inventory screen. This delay has been reduced to approximately one second, making the gameplay more fluid and responsive. This change will significantly impact the game’s pace, especially when playing high-stakes PvP encounters.
In the Crucible’s Supremacy game mode, a bug that allowed all players to hear all Crest pick-up sounds has been fixed. Similarly, a glitch causing players to lose connection during the Boss encounter has been rectified in the Salvage activity. These fixes are expected to enhance these activities’ overall stability and enjoyment.
Salvage Activity
Bug fixed a problem that caused players to lose connection to the activity during the Boss encounter.
Guardian Ranks
Guardian Ranks, a crucial aspect of Destiny 2, has also seen some improvements. The update has resolved two main issues regarding the Champ title and the Rank 7 objective Centrifuge. These issues hindered progress in Guardian Ranks’ objectives, and their resolution is expected to streamline the progression system.
Armor Modifications
Armor modifications are another area that has seen changes. Exotic armor focused at Rahool now has similar stats to Exotic armors. This change ensures a more balanced and fair gameplay experience. The incorrect description of the Exotic Warlock helm Cenotaph Mask has also been corrected.
Weapon Changes
The muzzle flash on the Perpetualis Auto Rifle has been reduced in size and intensity. The Dark Decider’s missing firing audio issue has been addressed, the weapon Trials Glaive Unexpected Resurgence will also get adjustments, and Swashbuckler and Voltshot have been added to the right trait column. These changes are expected to enhance the overall weapon handling and user experience.
Hunters who lose their Suspending Slam after being revived will no longer face this problem. This fix is expected to improve the overall balance and fairness of the game.
Bounties and Pursuits
Bug Fixed an issue where some players could not progress the Into the Depths pursuit due to the H.E.L.M. portal not appearing.
This latest Destiny 2 update brings many improvements and bug fixes that enhance the gameplay experience. From weapon swapping adjustments to fixes in activities and Guardian Ranks, the update ensures a more balanced, stable, and enjoyable gaming experience for all Destiny 2 players.