Top 100 League of Legends Players this Season

League of Legends – Ranked season will be another season of the battle of Champions. If you’re new to the game, you can learn more about how LoL ranking works by reading this article. But if you’re already familiar with league of legends ranking, here are the top ranking players on LoL this season.

Checkout this guide on how League of Legends Ranking System works.

League of Legends Season 15 Top Ranking Players - Live Updated

RankPlayerRegionSolo RankWinsWinrateLeague PointsFlex Rank
1stSTEPZ#ñam1LANChallenger21969.5%2406 LP Diamond II 21 LP Wins: 10 (62.5%)
2ndBánh Bao Piglet#bbbVNChallenger13169.3%2117 LP
3rdBlue#KR33KRChallenger13466.3%2068 LP
4thEL EL ISRAEL#Rank1EUNEChallenger13467.7%2039 LP
5th이 차가 식기전에#KR1KRChallenger18160.5%2025 LP
6ththe promise#LIDERLASChallenger25655.3%1936 LP
7thpupuouo#KR1KRChallenger15760.6%1923 LP
8thEloha#001TRChallenger20057.0%1913 LP
9thG2 SkewMond#3327EUWChallenger16259.1%1904 LP
10thArthur Lanches#13777BRChallenger13560.8%1891 LP Emerald III Wins: 4 (66.7%)
11thClavar la Espada#5151TRChallenger14861.4%1889 LP Diamond II 67 LP Wins: 10 (83.3%)
12thJ1HUIV#000EUWChallenger20156.6%1839 LP
13th5 chợ lớn#27033VNChallenger14361.4%1815 LP Diamond I 94 LP Wins: 18 (58.1%)
14thFA Bumblebee#BEEVNChallenger13960.4%1815 LP
15thlpl dna#12103EUWChallenger13661.0%1770 LP
16thWill#NA12NAChallenger13958.6%1768 LP
17thT1 Smash#KR3KRChallenger12961.1%1752 LP
18thnotscaredtolose#123NAChallenger11264.0%1743 LP
19thCupic#HweiNAChallenger12264.9%1741 LP Diamond II 27 LP Wins: 8 (100.0%)
20thT0mio#NA1NAChallenger14659.6%1733 LP
21stKC NEXT ADKING#EUWEUWChallenger10761.8%1718 LP
22nd斗鱼南波儿丶cl666#0028KRChallenger26754.8%1717 LP
23rdDK Sharvel#KR1KRChallenger22155.8%1714 LP
24thTwTv Phantasm#103EUWChallenger12861.8%1704 LP
25thAta#369TRChallenger14659.1%1694 LP Diamond IV 60 LP Wins: 5 (38.5%)
26thユメユ#DreamEUNEChallenger10069.9%1683 LP Challenger 753 LP Wins: 47 (77.0%)
27thG2 Caps#1323EUWChallenger15657.8%1680 LP
28th千个伤心的理由 2#9999VNChallenger12361.8%1674 LP
29thKojima#ゲツヨウビBRChallenger18956.8%1668 LP
30thToastyAlex#NA1NAChallenger12358.9%1652 LP
31steyes dont lie#sz7LASChallenger12760.8%1646 LP Diamond II 10 LP Wins: 12 (48.0%)
32ndTFBlade#122NAChallenger13162.4%1631 LP
33rdfrannq2#912LASChallenger20154.9%1620 LP
34thZamudo#1031NAChallenger9866.2%1613 LP
35thVKS Kisee#LTASBRChallenger15961.9%1611 LP
36thSpica#001NAChallenger11959.8%1600 LP
37th스컬지#K TKRChallenger12857.9%1588 LP
38thrabeloko#REDBRChallenger17857.2%1581 LP
39thkiin#SRBEUNEChallenger16060.6%1580 LP
40thJUGKlNG#krKRChallenger12562.2%1575 LP
41stLondie#HATETRChallenger17555.0%1566 LP Master 119 LP Wins: 20 (76.9%)
42ndkush uwu#DOINBEUNEChallenger13757.8%1566 LP
43rdTkt#NA33NAChallenger15062.5%1565 LP
44thVetheø#4321EUWChallenger19360.5%1563 LP
45thguz1vjppr0kut3#2810KRChallenger13960.2%1557 LP
46thChen#LChenKRChallenger10661.3%1556 LP
47thhappy game#qwerEUWChallenger17057.8%1549 LP
48thIsles#000NAChallenger12955.6%1549 LP
49thG2 Hans Sama#12838EUWChallenger13657.9%1544 LP
50thAfflictive#藍月なくるNAChallenger13058.3%1542 LP
51stG2 BrokenBlade#1918EUWChallenger14259.4%1537 LP
52ndTaurito#XNPLASChallenger12758.5%1533 LP Diamond IV 25 LP Wins: 6 (75.0%)
53rdDARKWINGS#NA3NAChallenger13757.8%1531 LP
54thMiaHealsU#soraEUNEChallenger13758.3%1524 LP
55thYeQiuFengZZ#叶秋枫KRChallenger25854.0%1522 LP
56thLet Me Bleed#KoalaEUWChallenger15058.1%1519 LP
57thdiuepoti#qesdfKRChallenger15956.4%1513 LP
58thnever type#1998NAChallenger8565.9%1511 LP
59thJuhana#DRX25KRChallenger18657.4%1509 LP
60thSCCP Xico0#BR2BRChallenger19559.5%1498 LP
61stLaugh Tale#9999NAChallenger14656.4%1495 LP
62ndMidir#DNFKRChallenger14256.3%1489 LP
63rdARMAO#NA1NAChallenger21453.5%1488 LP
64thSlimeslimeoglu#TR31TRChallenger9660.8%1478 LP Silver III Wins: 3 (50.0%)
65thme vs me#LASO7LASChallenger7968.7%1478 LP
66thWX xiaobaopyke69#CHINAEUNEChallenger13460.1%1473 LP
67thyukino cat#catNAChallenger10058.8%1470 LP
68th너덜너덜#NDNDKRChallenger11560.2%1467 LP
69thOdysseus#131EUWChallenger9862.4%1466 LP Diamond IV 0 LP Wins: 4 (28.6%)
70thTwitchTVxKenzuke#EUWEUWChallenger10561.4%1461 LP
71stDrakehero#BR07BRChallenger15155.3%1460 LP
72ndNattyNatt#2005EUWChallenger18853.9%1454 LP
73rdPun1sher Reborn#EUWEUWChallenger18158.4%1454 LP
74thG2 Labrov#8085EUWChallenger13256.7%1454 LP
75thBABO TOP#EUWEUWChallenger17157.0%1451 LP
76thtao bi ao game#2007VNChallenger24455.6%1450 LP
77thFURIA Tatu#10yBRChallenger10560.7%1448 LP
78thIvory#EfEfEUWChallenger18960.4%1445 LP
79thDeadly Mark#CryGLANChallenger17358.8%1443 LP
80thHUNCHO HECAKING#lynnNAChallenger13359.6%1440 LP
81st차가운코끼리#KR0KRChallenger20053.3%1437 LP
82ndRKR#123EUWChallenger21355.0%1428 LP
83rd민철이여친구함#0415KRChallenger10553.8%1428 LP
84thKozi#Z10EUWChallenger17055.4%1424 LP
85thCaesar#FMG9NAChallenger12663.0%1424 LP
86thJzJd#2628KRChallenger11461.3%1419 LP
87thwith you#eu1EUWChallenger11759.4%1415 LP
88thUnkn0wn#EUW11EUWChallenger12357.2%1414 LP
89thkonseki#knskBRChallenger15655.1%1411 LP
90thEL EL ISRAEL#RANK2EUNEChallenger11878.7%1411 LP
91stNing#KR33KRChallenger15454.8%1405 LP
92ndRenata Enjoyer#URULASChallenger15256.1%1402 LP Emerald I Wins: 3 (42.9%)
93rdYuuji#247NAChallenger9164.5%1402 LP
94thZ5 Keii#606NAChallenger20252.1%1400 LP
95thDK Garden#jimanKRChallenger10756.0%1395 LP
96thCloser#kralEUWChallenger12458.2%1394 LP
97thTοαst#EUWEUWChallenger18453.6%1392 LP
98th迎神dcysrw77#VIPTWChallenger7371.6%1389 LP
99thRhilech#15105EUWChallenger16955.0%1382 LP
100thPentaless#pentaNAChallenger16556.7%1373 LP

Chart provided by

Who is the No. 1 League of Legends Player this Season?

Currently, the top ranking League of Legends player is STEPZ#ñam1current rank as a Challenger player, with over 219 wins and 69.5% winratehe has 2406 LP league points. Followed by Bánh Bao Piglet#bbb with over 2117 LP league points.

The Challenger Rank

Challenger is the highest rank in League of legends and most Challengers players are on the top of the charts! Each season the players rank will reset to the lowest tier and you have to climb up your way starting from the Iron to Challenger.

Note that each loss will result in elo loss thus you will take a lot of time to climb up your way up. Your rank greatly depends when you play the game, your win/loss record will affect your ranking. The more games you win, the higher your rank will go.

How to Rank High in LoL?

To be the highest ranked player simply win matches! The more you win the more you gain LP or League Points and the more LP the most likely you climb up on each rank division. Note that each division has 4 levels such as Iron I, Iron II, Iron III and Iron IV and so as the other division.

What is LP or League Points?

League Points or LP are given when you win matches and you will also loss your gained LP when you loss a match. This is why its hard to climb up your way especially when you are a newbie player. Ranking in LoL will take a lot of experience and gameplay.

You have to gain 100 LP to enter the promotion series. This series will have you especial chance to climb up your way to the next division. Say you are in Gold I and you gained 100 LP you can now enter promotion series which you will need to win 3 matches and climb to Platinum IV.

When will LoL Season 15 End?

Riot did not indicate the exact date but like the previous seasons most likely it will end on the 2nd week of November. Off-season will begin immediately, during the off season you will still get rewards depending on what Rank you are on the last season.

New season will start on January of the following year, so January 2023.

Will You Still Get Rewards during Off season?

Yes, you will still get rewards. Now, your rewards will depend on what rank you currently in during the last season before the off-season. So if you are Platinum during the season you will get rewards as a Platinum player during the off season.

Rewards will depend on RIOT most of the time they will give FREE SKINS or PROFILE BANNER and even CHROMAS.

League of Legends Ranks

Here are the 9 ranks in League of Legends. Iron as the lowest and Challenger as the highest. The higher the rank more league points you can accumulate.


Player Distribution Between Ranks

Most of the players are currently in Silver Rank it makes roughly 33% of the whole player base. 24% players are in Gold division and 25% are in Bronze division. Belowa are the complete list of the ranking distribution of players during this season. This table is live updated from

RankRank %Tier %
Diamond I0.29%2.70%
Diamond II0.42%
Diamond III0.62%
Diamond IV1.3%
Emerald I0.83%7.50%
Emerald II1.3%
Emerald III1.9%
Emerald IV3.4%
Platinum I1.6%11%
Platinum II2.4%
Platinum III2.8%
Platinum IV4.2%
Gold I2.2%16%
Gold II3.6%
Gold III4.3%
Gold IV6.6%
Silver I3.5%19%
Silver II4.7%
Silver III5.1%
Silver IV6.3%
Bronze I3.7%20%
Bronze II4.9%
Bronze III5.2%
Bronze IV6.4%