There’s no doubt that Minecraft is one of the most popular games worldwide with over 7 Million active players daily! You can build anything from the game, built houses, cities, or even an entire country! Your imagination is the only limit. When you begin playing Minecraft, you will learn that you can choose from many different breeds of animals to use as companions. These animals include foxes, bears, and hyenas.
But you can’t just select any animal; each of these animals is very different, and have different traits from each other and some are better companions than others. Foxes just like in the real-world are wild animals in the game you have to tame them to make them your companion. In this post, you will exactly learn how to tame foxes and make them your pet.
Here is how to tame foxes in Minecraft
Offer them, honey
The easiest way to tame wild foxes in Minecraft is to use honey, of course. Unlike other animals, you can’t simply bribe a wild fox to being your friend by offering food. Instead, you will need to breed a couple of wild foxes, and then tame their young child first. To do this you have to mate the mother and father to produce a healthy baby fox, and use honey to feed it. This way the baby fox will grow fond to you and will definately will be your pet companion along the game.
Offer them berries
Another good way on how to tame foxes, is to use a berry. These berries can be found just about anywhere, including fruit trees and bushes. After you have obtained these fruits, place inside of the fox cage. But wait, don’t just put the berries in the cage and don’t just show up. Instead, put it on a plate or in a decorative stand that is close enough to a wall to provide a hiding place for the fox, or hang it from a rope near a tree. Note that you have to hide at first or slowly show yourself and let the fox get to know you more.
Use a feather dust
Use feather dust to get close to foxes without them noticing you. You can do this by wearing a helmet and cape, and have feathers scattered everywhere. If you don’t want to use feathers, you can collect sweet berries and put them in a decorative stand, or any other container with a lid. After a while, the foxes will start to notice you and approach slowly, allowing you to place the berries in the stand and they will be attracted to them and will eat them, attracting the others.
Breed them
Feeding your fox pup with food from another player can help you get bred foxes in Minecraft faster. Once the Fox pup is fully bred, it will be yours to keep. First, try to talk to the baby fox and give it some sweet berries. The baby fox will eventually start to follow you around and eventually will try to get closer to you. When this happens, do not pick the baby fox up because it will most likely try to get away. Instead, turn around and walk away, or pick up a broom and move towards it quickly, causing the baby fox to run towards you.
Use a Bait
Another tip on how to tame foxes in Minecraft is by using bait. The bait is very effective and easy to obtain, but it should only be used with caution. Bait can be purchased at the Fishing Merchants. It can also be found in animal feeders in major cities.
If you need a quick way on how to tame foxes in Minecraft without having to put in much time, you can use the newest update of the game called the Nocturnal Mobs. With this new update, it allows any player to tame any mob at any time, which includes foxes. Since this new feature was released, a lot of people have claimed to have become really effective at taming foxes due to the ease of leveling with them. If you are interested in learning more about how to tame foxes in Minecraft with the use of the new feature, try to read my other articles on my website.