Fire-type Pokémon have always been a fan favorite for Pokémon Trainers around the globe, often chosen as the first partner Pokémon by many. Their blazing aura and fierce moves make them stand out, but like every element, they have their strengths and weakness too. This guide will help you understand the Fire type strength and Weakness and what makes them tick.
Fire-type Pokémon are a rarity when compared to other starter Pokémon types. Their existence doesn’t align with natural phenomena, unlike Water and Grass-types. Instead, they often resemble predatory animals with flames, like Arcanine, or are inspired by Japanese folklore, such as Vulpix. Some even take the form of inanimate objects, like the Rotom heat form. Regardless of their origin, they are all formidable fighters.
Fire Type Pokémon Are Strong Against
Fire-type Pokémon are very strong against Ice, Grass, Bug, and Steel-type Pokémon. They deal double the damage to these types, making them super effective on dealing with these Pokémons. Additionally, they are resistant to attacks from Grass, Bug, Ice, and Steel-types, taking reduced damage. Fire-types also have a natural resistance to their own kind, as well as Fairy-types, taking only half the damage from these attacks.
Fire Type Pokémon Weakness
Every flame can be extinguished, and Fire-type Pokémon are no exception. Fire Pokémon are very weak against Water, Rock, and Ground-type moves, taking double the damage from these Pokémons. The most evident weakness of Fire-types is water, and given that Water-types are the most prevalent Pokémon type, they are the go-to choice to counter Fire-types.
Fire Type Pokémon Can Deal Normal Damage
Fire type Pokémon can deal normal or regular damage against Flying, Poison, Fairy and Psychic type Pokémon.
All Pokémon Type Strength and Weakness Chart
Here’s a complete list of all types of Pokémon with their Strength and Weakness
Type | Strong Against | Weakness |
Electric | Flying, Water | Ground |
Ghost | Ghost, Psychic | Dark, Ghost |
Grass | Ground, Rock, Water | Bug, Fire, Flying, Ice, Poison |
Steel | Fairy, Ice, Rock | Fighting, Fire, Ground |
Dark | Ghost, Psychic | Bug, Fairy, Fighting |
Dragon | Dragon | Dragon, Fairy, Ice |
Fire | Bug, Grass, Ice, Steel | Ground, Rock, Water |
Water | Fire, Ground, Rock | Electric, Grass |
Normal | — | Fighting |
Ground | Electric, Fire, Poison, Rock, Steel | Grass, Ice, Water |
Psychic | Fighting, Poison | Bug, Dark, Ghost |
Rock | Bug, Fire, Flying, Ice | Fighting, Grass, Ground, Steel, Water |
Bug | Grass, Dark, Psychic | Fire, Flying, Rock |
Fairy | Fighting, Dark, Dragon | Poison, Steel |
Flying | Bug, Fighting, Grass | Electric, Ice, Rock |
Fighting | Dark, Ice, Normal, Rock, Steel | Fairy, Flying, Psychic |
Ice | Dragon, Flying, Grass, Ground | Fighting, Fire, Rock, Steel |
Poison | Fairy, Grass | Ground, Psychic |
The Dual Fire Type Pokémons
Some Pokémon possess more than one type of attack. This adds a layer of complexity and strategy when battling your Pokémons. Take Blaziken, for instance, which is both a Fire and Fighting-type. This dual nature means that the strengths and weaknesses of both types come into play, often complementing each other.
For Dual Fire-types, the battle dynamics change. For example, a Dual Type Pokémon like Charizard, which is both Fire and Flying-type, is most vulnerable to Rock-type moves. Rock-type moves are effective against both Fire and Flying-types, dealing a whopping 4x damage, potentially knocking out the opponent in a single hit.