In a surprising turn of events, Felix Kjellberg, globally recognized as PewDiePie, has declared a hiatus from his YouTube channel. The reason? He’s gearing up for a new role – fatherhood. The announcement was made in his recent video, aptly titled “Saying bye for a while now.”
PewDiePie, a Swedish YouTuber, comedian, and gamer, which is a clear titan Youtuber garnering millions of subscribers. His YouTube channel, with a staggering 111 million subscribers and garnering over 34.8 million views for the past 30 days, is a treasure trove of Let’s Play videos, vlogs, and his signature comedic commentary. Leaving this gem is no easy task!
His influence in the gaming world is undeniable, having championed indie games like Minecraft and Amnesia: The Dark Descent to his vast audience.
In the video that dropped the news, PewDiePie takes his viewers on a tour of his life. From the scenic views of Mount Fuji to the thrill of surfing, he paints a vivid picture of his life before dropping the news about his impending fatherhood and the break from YouTube.
“I just wanted to say it’s getting very close now, very close to becoming a dad. I’m very, very, very excited. I don’t know what it’s going to be like. I don’t know if I’ll have time to make videos. This is going to be chaos. I don’t know, but I imagine I will not upload in a while,”
Felix Kjellberg AKA PewDiePie
The news, came unexpected, has been met with an outpouring of support from his fans and the gaming community. While they eagerly await the return of PewDiePie, they are also sending their best wishes to him and his wife, Marzia, as they embark on this exciting new journey.
PewDiePie ends the video by expressing his gratitude for the support he’s received for his vlogs. He and his wife Marzia are thrilled to share snippets of their life with their viewers, but they plan to take a short break until they return to the platform. You will probably see them as a family on his next vlogs.
As a gamer, that constantly see PewDiePie’s on social media and specially Youtube, it’s fascinating to see how his personal life intertwines with his online persona.
His decision to take a break from YouTube to focus on his family is another example that the human side of these online celebrities that often gets overlooked.
This change only concludes that no matter how big and famous you are you still have a personal life that needs to taking care off. His decision is a reminder that behind the screen, they too have lives that are filled with milestones, challenges, and changes.