In the thrilling world of Redfall, players must survive against the onslaught of vampires and cultists. Amidst the chaos, Safehouses offer a much-needed refuge to regroup, heal, and plan your next moves. However, unlocking these Safehouses requires some effort, as each comes with its own set of challenges. This comprehensive guide breaks down the process of unlocking Safehouses in Redfall, with tips and tricks to help you conquer each obstacle and unlock your home away from home.
Why Should You Unlock A Safehouse?
Unlocking Safehouses in Redfall provide more than just a temporary haven from the dangers lurking outside but also enhance your gameplay experience. They serve as fast-travel points, allowing you to zip around the map quickly and efficiently. Additionally, unique quests can be found within these Safehouses, giving you the chance to uncover new adventures and rewards. In short, unlocking Safehouses should be a priority for any player looking to succeed in Redfall.
Steps to Unlocking Safehouses in Redfall
While each Safehouse has its own unique challenges, some common steps can be followed to unlock most of them:
Locate the Safehouse
As you explore the town of Redfall, keep an eye out for Safehouses. They can often be identified by UV lights and extension cords leading to nearby generators.
Clear the Area
Before attempting to unlock the Safehouse, eliminate any nearby enemies, such as vampires and cultists.
Follow the Cords
Trace the yellow cords from the Safehouse to the generator. This will often lead you to a puzzle or obstacle that must be overcome to power up the Safehouse.
Power Up the Generator
Once you’ve solved the puzzle or overcome the obstacle, activate the generator to turn on the UV lights and unlock the Safehouse.
What to Do After Unlocking the Safehouse
The following are some examples of challenges you may encounter after unlocking Safehouses in Redfall:
Shadetree Heights Safehouse
Clear out cultists and vampires, follow the cords to a nearby garage, use a rewire kit to open the door, activate the generator inside, and fend off any additional enemies.
Platforming Challenge
Navigate a series of platforms to reach a generator or key required to unlock the Safehouse.
Car Alarm Puzzle
Retrieve a key that sets off a car alarm, attracting enemies that must be defeated before the Safehouse can be unlocked.
Remember, each Safehouse will have its own unique challenges, so stay alert and prepared for anything.
Unlocking Safehouses in Redfall is essential for finding sanctuary amidst the chaos and accessing valuable resources such as fast travel points and unique quests. By following the common steps outlined in this guide and adapting to each Safehouse’s unique challenges, you’ll be well on your way to conquering the vampire-infested island.
So gear up, stay vigilant, and prepare to unlock the secrets hidden within Redfall’s Safehouses.