Quick Stats:
DeathLoop Live Player | Users | - |
Online Players (1H) | 14,062 | |
Active Players (30D) | 1,382,903 | |
DeathLoop has gained (30D) | 13,421 | |
Twitch Watched Hours (30D) | 3,815 | |
Peak Viewers (30D) | 157 |
Real-time Deathloop live player counter from all the platform it supports [?]. This page will give you live estimation of the number of people playing Deathloop; its peak players in a day, maximum concurrent players in a month, and the all time concurrent players.
Deathloop Monthly Player Count (Graph)
Live monthly statistics is the summary of the logged Deathloop monthly active players. We have also logged peak number of Deathloop players. Meaning the number of Deathloop players playing simultaneously at the same time.
Deathloop Monthly Player Count (Table)
Above is the estimated total monthly players for Deathloop. These data are only estimate and should not be used as factual reference. On the table it is presented the max users of the game, gain / loss users, percentage of its gain and loss, and the max peak players on a given day.
Deathloop Supported Platform:
Platform: |
Availability: |
Windows | ✔️ |
macOS | ❌ |
Linux | ❌ |
PlayStation 4 | ❌ |
PlayStation 5 | ✔️ |
Xbox Series X/S | ✔️ |
Android | ❌ |
iOS | ❌ |
Nintendo Switch | ❌ |
Please note that this player statistics does not include players from mobile devices such as Android and iOS.
On a tweet Deathloop claims to have reached 5 million registered players worldwide:
5 Million Players!
— DEATHLOOP (@deathloop) February 23, 2023
Thank you for joining us on this adventure to Blackreef. We hope you enjoyed your stay. 😁
To celebrate, we’ve gathered some statistics on how you’ve spent your time on the island. pic.twitter.com/ZtRlXapn0V
About DeathLoop
DeathLoop is a first-person shooter video game developed by Arkane Studios and published by Bethesda Softworks the same publisher of highly popular games Fallout 76, Elder Scroll Online and Starfield. The game was launched on September 14, 2021. The game is set on the fictional island of Blackreef, where two rival assassins are trapped in a time loop.
The game is known for its unique gameplay mechanics, where players are tasked with eliminating eight targets across the island within a single day. If the player dies before completing their objectives, the day resets and they must start over. The game features both single-player and multiplayer modes, with the multiplayer mode allowing another player to take on the role of one of the assassins.
DeathLoop player statistics has managed to attract a significant number of players since its launch. The game’s unique mechanics and engaging storyline have contributed to its popularity among gamers worldwide. The following sections will tackle into more specific details about the game’s player base, its popularity over time, and other related statistics such as how many people play it everyday, every month and concurrently.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is based on estimated data and should not be used as a factual reference. Actual player counts and statistics may vary.
Frequently Asked Questions
How many people are playing DeathLoop right now?
There are about 14,062 players actively playing DeathLoop across all supported platforms. Live concurrent players fluctuate depending on the time of day and other factors such as game updates.
How many people are playing DeathLoop daily?
On average, DeathLoop sees about 373,384.00 peak concurrent active players each day. This number can increase during weekends or when new updates or events are released.
Is DeathLoop still popular in 2023?
Yes, DeathLoop remains popular in 2023. The game continues to receive positive reviews and discussions on platforms like Reddit and YouTube. The game’s player count and stats are regularly updated, indicating a strong and active player base.
Is DeathLoop Dead?
No, DeathLoop is far from being a dead game. The game continues to have an active player base and receives regular updates from the developers.
Is DeathLoop free to play?
No, DeathLoop is not free to play. It is a premium game that can be purchased on platforms like Steam, XBOX and the Epic Games Store. However, there have been instances where it was available for free for subscribers of certain services like Humble Bundle. You may visit their official website for more information.
Is DeathLoop on Steam?
Yes, DeathLoop is available on Steam you may visit their Steam page. It can be purchased and downloaded directly from the Steam platform. You can choose among the 3 editions of Deathloop, the Normal Edition, the Deluxe Edition and the +Ghostwire Tokyo Bundle edition.
Can you play DeathLoop on Mac?
DeathLoop can be played on a Mac, but only if Windows OS has been installed on the machine. Mac users can run Windows by installing software like Boot Camp or Parallels.