Quick Stats
Elden Ring Live Player | Users | - |
Online Players (1H) | 247,228 | |
Active Players (30D) | 5,941,057 | |
Elden Ring has lost (30D) | -93,536 | |
Twitch Watched Hours (30D) | 10,548,809 | |
Peak Viewers (30D) | 88,355 |
Find out how many players are concurrently playing Elden Ring right now. On this page you will learn Elden Ring live player count or at least the estimated players of the game. We will provide you an estimated graph of Elden Ring player count each month in 2 years.
You will notice that the counter is constantly changing its value when you do refresh this is because Elden Ring players are starting and ending game sessions which greatly affects the counter because of the delay.
Some of these game tracker are just estimated data and should not be used as factual reference. However, we also have trackers that are from legitimated sources which you can consider real live data such as the data from steampowered.com. Make sure to read the description on we provide on each game page.
What you see on this page is the total Elden Ring estimated concurrent players across all platforms such as PS3, PS4, PS5, Xbox, Wii, Nintendo Switch, Windows, Mac, Android and iOS. [?] https://activeplayer.io/how-we-collect-data/ . See below on which platform you can play this game.
Elden Ring Live Monthly Player Count [CHART]
Live monthly statistics is the summary of the logged Elden Ring monthly active players. We have also logged peak number of Elden Ring players. Meaning the number of Elden Ring players playing simultaneously at the same time. Elden Ring We have gathered all the data and entered it on a chart for the users better understanding.
Elden Ring Live Monthly Player Detailed [TABLE]
Here’s a detailed table of Elden Ring estimated monthly users. On the table it is presented the max users of the game, gain / loss users, percentage of its gain and loss, and the max peak players on a given day.
Elden Ring Available Platforms:
Platform: |
Availability: |
Windows | ✔️ |
Linux | ❌ |
MAC | ❌ |
XBOX ONE | ✔️ |
PS3 | ❌ |
PS4 | ✔️ |
PS5 | ✔️ |
Nintendo Switch | ❌ |
Android | ❌ |
iOS | ❌ |
Where can you play Elden Ring or the available platforms that you can play this game with.
About Elden Ring
Elden Ring is an action-packed role playing developed by FromSoftware. This game is packed with good graphics and the vast world you will soon to discover. Uncover fastasy beyond imagination and solve mysteries which will help you to level up! Kill monsters that lurks on Forests, mountains, and waters. Gain power and items as you levelp up and challenged demigods!
The game has only been released on February 25, 2022 yet it has been played by over a million players worldwide everyday! With over 700,000 concurrent players that you can play with across different platforms. Elden ring won awards as well! They won the Most Anticipated Game award of The Game Awards 2020 and the 2021 Golden Joystick Awards.
Elden Ring can be played with PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X and Series S, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, Microsoft Windows and can cross-platform.
Frequently Asked Questions
How Many People Playing Elden Ring Right Now?
There are about 247,228 people playing Elden Ring right now on all platform it supports.
How many people are playing Elden Ring daily?
There are about 1,604,085.00 people actively playing Elden Ring everyday this month!
Is Elden Ring still popular in 2024?
Elden Ring popularity trend is consolodating! Its player base are still looking good. We can conclude that Elden Ring is still a popular game this 2024 base on its concurrent players and with over 10,548,809 watched hours on Twitch.
Is Elden Ring dead?
Elden Ring was just released in December of 2022 and its far from dead! With over 247,228 concurrent players and 10,548,809 watched hours on Twitch, it wont be dead anytime soon. The game continues to receive updates from its developers and has an active player community.