In the mystical world of Teyvat, where seven distinct regions are inspired by various cultures and elements, the latest update of Genshin Impact, version 4.0, has introduced players to the enchanting realm of Fontaine, the game has been played by over 4 million daily active players and over 500 thousand concurrent players, this game is clearly rocking it!
The land of the Hydro Archon. As players embark on new quests and explore new terrains, they will encounter a vibrant and unique resource: the Rainbow Rose. This guide, crafted from a gamer’s perspective, will navigate you through the scenic landscapes of Fontaine to locate this precious item, essential for character ascension and crafting special items.
Don’t also forget about this guide on how to get 5-star hero and increase your chances on getting one.
Where to Begin Your Search
Fontaine, a region inspired by the romantic canals and architecture reminiscent of Venice, is where the Rainbow Rose calls home. Contrary to initial expectations, these radiant flowers are not found beneath Fontaine’s extensive waterways but are scattered across its picturesque landmasses. Here is a breakdown of where to set your sights:
Elynas & West Slopes of Mount Automnequi
Begin your journey in the central and southern parts of Elynas and the West Slopes of Mount Automnequi. Here, the majority of Rainbow Roses are nestled, waiting to be discovered by keen adventurers. As you traverse these areas, keep your eyes peeled for their vibrant hues.
Court of Fontaine
Make your way to the capital city of Fontaine, specifically to the northwestern part known as the Court of Fontaine. Here, not only will you find the political heart of the region, but also clusters of Rainbow Roses, particularly on the southern side of the Court. In this area alone there are about 15 rainbow roses you can find. Before diving into your search, it is advisable to activate the nearby teleport waypoints for efficient travel between these locations.
Marcotte Station, Fountain of Lucine, and Opera Epiclese
Your quest will then lead you to Marcotte Station, Fountain of Lucine, and Opera Epiclese. In these regions, Rainbow Roses are sprinkled like hidden gems, inviting players to explore every nook and cranny. The Fountain of Lucine is particularly noteworthy, as a teleport waypoint is conveniently located near the flowers, making this spot a strategic starting point for those on a more casual hunt.
Tip: Lyney’s Special Talent
For those fortunate players who have unlocked Lyney, his passive talent is a game-changer. This talent reveals the locations of Fontaine’s local specialties, including Rainbow Roses, on the mini-map, transforming the daunting task of hunting for these flowers into a delightful and efficient experience.
The Respawn Cycle
Patience is key when farming Rainbow Roses. After collecting from the 73 known spots, players must wait two days for the flowers to respawn. For those aiming to ascend a character to Level 90, a total of 168 Rainbow Roses will be required, so regular visits to these locations are essential.
How many Rainbow Rose in a World Total?
In Genshin Impact, there are a total of 73 Rainbow roses a user can collect, located across various locations. But, you need to collect at least 163 rainbow rose to ascend to Lyney, worry not you will have just to wait for the next batch or roses to appear in your world.
Why You Need the Rainbow Rose?
In Genshin Impact, the Rainbow Rose is more than just a beautiful flower; it is a key to unlocking the full potential of certain characters, starting with Lyney, the explosive magician known for his mono-Pyro damage and quirky abilities. This vibrant flower is also a crucial component for crafting the Hydroculus Resonance Stone, a handy tool for players seeking to complete their exploration of Fontaine.
Did you Know that you Can Acquire Rainbow Rose from Other Worlds?
Yes! You can do this with Co-op mode. If your own world is running low on Rainbow Roses, consider joining a friend’s world through Co-op mode. With your friend’s permission, you can gather their flowers, turning the quest for Rainbow Roses into a collaborative and social experience.
In Genshin Impact, the quest for the Rainbow Rose is more than a simple gathering task; it is an adventure through the breathtaking landscapes of Fontaine, filled with exploration, strategy, and camaraderie. As you journey through this guide, may your path be as vibrant and rewarding as the Rainbow Roses you seek. Happy hunting, Travelers!