Apex Legends – one of the top played games in 2023 with over 50 million active players monthly and 28 million Twitch watch hours in the past 30 days, is no stranger to bizarre in-game deaths, from strange loops to instantly fatal doors. But players were recently surprised by a new collision death caught on video.
Reddit user ‘hermogeon’ shared a clip of their character Pathfinder swinging rapidly around the map. All seems normal until Pathfinder slams into a wall at high speed. The sudden collision instantly kills him, accompanied by a loud metallic thud. See video he shared on Reddit below:
i think i hit the wall too hard
by u/hermogeon in apexlegends
The unexpected death left players shocked and questioning the game’s mechanics. “Did not know that this [was] possible,” one user commented. Some debated whether this demonstrates hidden fall or collision damage in Apex. “Does this prove falling damage exists or super fast collision kills?” asked one player.
Others cracked jokes about Pathfinder’s deadly career change. “When pathy starts his new Job as a collision dummy,” one quipped. “Poor Pathfinder died of parts explosion,” joked another.
The discovery sparked debate but also highlighted Apex’s unpredictable nature. Even walls can become deadly foes if collided with at high velocities. It’s an undignified way to die, but demonstrates how the game still finds new ways to surprise players.
While the mechanics behind this instant collision death remain uncertain, the clip reminds players that Apex always has unexpected tricks up its sleeve. And as fans continue to test the game’s limits, who knows what bizarre deaths they’ll uncover next? For now, it seems clinging to walls at top speed is not advised for those hoping to survive.
Videos like the collision death clip gain rapid traction thanks to the game’s engaged online community. And with Apex’s playerbase and viewership thriving, fans hungry for viral moments will likely uncover many more surprises in the months to come.