Quick Stats
Titanfall 2 Live Player | Users | - |
Online Players (1H) | 17,420 | |
Active Players (30D) | 1,762,687 | |
Titanfall 2 has gained (30D) | -1,748 | |
Twitch Watched Hours (30D) | 54,847 | |
Peak Viewers (30D) | 3,052 |
Find out how many players are concurrently playing Titanfall 2 right now. On this page you will learn Titanfall 2 live player count or at least the estimated players of the game. We will provide you an estimated graph of Titanfall player count each month in 2 years.
Above is an estimate on Titanfall 2 Live player count we have compiled these numbers using the most recent data from various online sources. Titanfall 2 live count player count is the number of players currently playing Titanfall 2.You will notice that the counter is constantly changing its value when you do refresh this is because Titanfall 2 players are starting and ending gaming sessions.
Some of these game trackers is just estimated data and should not be used as a factual reference. However, we also have trackers that are from legitimate sources which you can consider real live data such as the data from steampowered.com.
Make sure to read the description we provide on Titanfall 2 game if it falls in this category, otherwise consider the statistics estimated.
Total Titanfall 2 estimated concurrent players across all platforms such as PS3, PS4, PS5, Xbox, Wii, Nintendo Switch, Windows, Mac, Android, and iOS. [?]. See below on which platform you can play this game.
Titanfall 2 Live Monthly Player Count [CHART]
Live monthly statistics is the summary of the logged Titanfall 2 monthly active players. We have also logged the peak number of Titanfall players. Meaning the number of Titanfall 2 players playing simultaneously at the same time. Titanfall We have gathered all the data and entered it on a chart for the user’s better understanding.
Titanfall 2 Live Monthly Player Detailed [TABLE]
Here’s a detailed table of Titanfall 2 estimated monthly users. On the table, it is presented the max users of the game, gain / loss users, percentage of its gain and loss, and the max peak players on a given day.
Titanfall 2 Available Platforms:
Platform: |
Availability: |
Windows | ✔️ |
Linux | ✔️ |
MAC | ❌ |
XBOX ONE | ✔️ |
PS3 | ❌ |
PS4 | ✔️ |
PS5 | ✔️ |
Nintendo Switch | ✔️ |
Android | ✔️ |
iOS | ✔️ |
Where can you play Titanfall 2 or the available platforms that you can play this game with.
Titanfall 2 Player Distribution by Region
Here’s a player distribution data by Region in the past 5 years being 100 has the most players.
About Titanfall 2
TitanFall 2 is an FPS action shooting game. Respawn Entertainment originally developed it for Xbox, but now it is available for other consoles as well. The game has two series, Titan Fall and Titan Fall 2. This is probably the game that is available on most platforms.
Like most typical FPS games, Titanfall starts with a primary weapon you can use to shoot down enemies. You can also pilot different mechanical Titans in the game. However, when piloting a Titan, particular abilities like wall running and double jumping are not possible. These features are available when you don’t pilot a Titan.
The game also awards you to execute different actions like a headshot, kill enemy soldiers, execute a unique style, etc. So it is a rewarding game that improves your stats as you keep playing.
Game modes
Unlike many FPS shooting games, Titanfall is not available for single-player, and you cannot play the game offline. So it is strictly an online multiplayer game. Therefore, the story of the game is according to the different multiplayer matches and missions.
Every team has a maximum of six players and battle out in the war-torn outer space colony. There are many game modes you can choose from, such as:
- Attrition
- Last Titan standing
- Pilot hunter
- Hardpoint domination
- Capture the flag
- Wingman LTS
- Marked for death
The Android version has over 100K+ downloads on playstore with a rating of 3.4 stars. On the other hand, the iOS version does not have a decent download number and has just 2.2 user ratings. It needs a lot of upgrades and updates for the game. The other platforms are ideal for playing the game.
Frequently Asked Questions
How Many People Playing Titanfall 2 right now?
There are about 17,420 people playing Titanfall 2 right now on all platform it supports.
How Many People Playing Titanfall 2 Daily?
There are about 475,925 people actively playing Titanfall 2 everyday.
Is Titanfall 2 still popular in 2024?
Titanfall 2 popularity trend is consolidating! Its player base are looking good. We can still conclude that Titanfall 2 is a popular game this 2024 base on its concurrent players and with over -1,748 watched hours on Twitch. This game is rocking it!
Is Titanfall 2 dead?
Titanfall 2 is far from dead! With over 17,420 concurrent players and -1,748 watched hours on Twitch, it wont be dead anytime soon.
Is Titanfall 2 Free to play?
Unfortunately, Titanfall 2 is not free to play. You may buy and install the game from Steam. Currently, the game has 5 bundles, Titanfall® 2: Monarch’s Reign Bundle, the Titanfall® 2: Colony Reborn Bundle, the Titanfall® 2: Prime Titan Bundle, the Titanfall® 2: Angel City’s Most Wanted Bundle, and the Titanfall® 2 Nitro Scorch Pack.
Can you play Titanfall 2 on Mac?
Yes, you can play Titanfall 2 on Mac, to play it you may need external apps such as a Windows Emulator Parallels. Install Parallels and install Steam, download it, you are now ready to play Titanfall 2 on your Mac. Fortunately, they support iOS version of it too.