Water-type Pokémon is the complete opposite to Fire-type Pokémon which is why they are the best weakness for Fire Pokémon. Their majestic appearance and powerful moves make them a force to be reckoned with. But in guide will understand more about Water type Pokémon strengths and weaknesses, shedding light on what makes them unique.
Water-type Pokémon are frequently chosen as starter Pokémon as they are one of the easiest Pokémon to catch. Their existence is deeply rooted in natural phenomena, unlike Fire and Electric-types. They often resemble aquatic creatures, like Gyarados, or are inspired by myths and legends, such as Milotic. Some even take the form of inanimate objects infused with water, like the Wash Rotom form. Regardless of their inspiration, they are all exceptional battlers.
Water Type Pokémon Are Strong Against
Water-type Pokémon are strong against Fire, Ground, and Rock-type Pokémon. They inflict double the damage to these types, making them highly effective in battles against these enemies. Moreover, they are resistant to attacks from Fire, Water, Ice, and Steel-types, taking diminished damage. Water-types also have a natural resistance to their own kind, ensuring that they take only half the damage from fellow Water-type moves.
Water Type Pokémon Weakness
Of course, Water-type Pokémon have their vulnerabilities as well. Water Pokémon are particularly weak against Electric and Grass-type Pokémon moves, receiving double the damage from these Pokémon. The most weakness of Water-types is electricity, making Electric-types a popular choice to counter Water Pokémon. I’m not sure why Ice type of Pokémon are not vulnerable to water but instead its reverse where Ice is vulnerable to Water.
Water Type Pokémon Can Deal Normal Damage
Water-type Pokémon can deal standard or regular damage against Normal, Flying, Poison, and Dragon type Pokémon.
All Pokémon Type Strength and Weakness Chart
Here’s a comprehensive list of all types of Pokémon with their Strength and Weakness.
Type | Strong Against | Weakness |
Electric | Flying, Water | Ground |
Ghost | Ghost, Psychic | Dark, Ghost |
Grass | Ground, Rock, Water | Bug, Fire, Flying, Ice, Poison |
Steel | Fairy, Ice, Rock | Fighting, Fire, Ground |
Dark | Ghost, Psychic | Bug, Fairy, Fighting |
Dragon | Dragon | Dragon, Fairy, Ice |
Fire | Bug, Grass, Ice, Steel | Ground, Rock, Water |
Water | Fire, Ground, Rock | Electric, Grass |
Normal | — | Fighting |
Ground | Electric, Fire, Poison, Rock, Steel | Grass, Ice, Water |
Psychic | Fighting, Poison | Bug, Dark, Ghost |
Rock | Bug, Fire, Flying, Ice | Fighting, Grass, Ground, Steel, Water |
Bug | Grass, Dark, Psychic | Fire, Flying, Rock |
Fairy | Fighting, Dark, Dragon | Poison, Steel |
Flying | Bug, Fighting, Grass | Electric, Ice, Rock |
Fighting | Dark, Ice, Normal, Rock, Steel | Fairy, Flying, Psychic |
Ice | Dragon, Flying, Grass, Ground | Fighting, Fire, Rock, Steel |
Poison | Fairy, Grass | Ground, Psychic |
The Dual Water Type Pokémons

Some Pokémon boast dual typings, adding an extra layer of strategy and depth to battles. Consider Swampert, for example, which is both a Water and Ground-type. This dual nature means that the strengths and weaknesses of both types are relevant, often enhancing their battle prowess.
For Dual Water-types, the battle dynamics shift. For instance, a Dual Type Pokémon like Gyarados, which is both Water and Flying-type, is most vulnerable to Electric-type moves. Electric-type moves are super effective against both Water and Flying-types, dealing a staggering 4x damage, potentially defeating the opponent in one swift move.